Prenatal period: conception to birth
Germino : Conception to approximately 2 weeks
Embryonic : 2 to 8 weeks.
Fetal : 8 – 40 weeks.
Infancy period: birth to 12 or 18 months
Neonatal : birth to 28 days
Infancy : 1 to approximately 12 months
Early childhood: 1 to 6 years
Toddler : 1 to 3 years
Preschool : 3-6 years
Midlle childhood: 6 to 11 or 12 years
Later childhood : 11 to 19 years
Prepubertal : 10 – 13 years
Adolescence : 13 to approximately 18 years
Sumber: Donna L. Wong, RN, PhD, PNP, CPN, FAAN (1995). Whaley & Wong's: Nursing Care of Infants and Children (5th edition). St.Louis, Missouri: Mosby
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