My Family

My Family
Palembang, Mei 2013

Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

Pradiabetes Dapat Dideteksi

Para peneliti dari University College London menyatakan perubahan kimia tubuh dapat dideteksi bertahun-tahun sebelum gejala diabetes 2 menyerang. Studi Lancet, label untuk penelitian, menunjukkan jika perubahan kadar glukosa darah dan kensensitifan sensulin dapat dideteksi pada tubuh orang yang tengah menuju diabetes.

Tim periset meneliti 6.538 tenaga buruh sipil sekitar lebih dari sepuluh tahun. Pada kurun waktu itu terdapat 505 kasus diabetes tipe dua dalam grup partisipan.

Peneliti mengamati naik-turun kadar glukosa darah dalam tubuh para partisipan. Selain itu, mereka juga memantau bagaimana sel-beta pankreas bekerja, dan bagaimana kensensitifan sensulin berubah dari tahun ke tahun.

Tim menemukan partisipan yang tidak mengembangkan kondisi menuju diabetes, menunjukkan perubahan 'tetap' dalam tubuh. Kondisi konstan itu terjadi meski dalam kurun sepuluh tahun.

Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

Critical Care Nurses' Values and Behaviors With End-of-life Care: Perceptions and Challenges

By: Zomorodi, Meg RN, CNL, PhD; Lynn, Mary R. PhD


Nurses are in a pivotal position to improve care for dying patients and their families by challenging current end-of-life practices in their settings. However, nurses report a lack of preparation in dealing with end-of-life (EOL) care in the intensive care environment. The aims of the study were to explore nurses' definitions of quality EOL care and to identify the personal, environmental, and relational factors that facilitate or inhibit the nurses' ability to provide EOL care to patients and their families. Nine critical care nurses were interviewed about their values and beliefs related to providing quality EOL care. Interviews were audiotaped, transcribed, and analyzed for themes and patterns. Using Bowen's model of value-behavior congruency, several themes were identified and were examples of personal, environmental, and relational factors that facilitate or hinder critical care nurses' ability to provide quality end of life. Nurses used strategies such as "balancing," "trial and error," "coaching the physicians," and "taking a step back" to improve the quality of EOL care provided. The values and behaviors as well as the personal, environmental, and relational factors identified in this study may be useful in determining factors related to providing quality nursing care at the end of life.